22 December 2022

As 2022 comes to an end, we can look back at another year of SIDS rising up together to accelerate their response to the SAMOA Pathway and the 2030 agenda. This year has been marked by an emergence of the global recognition of the ocean’s vitality and its inseparable linkage to overcoming the climate crisis. SIDS' innovations and ambitions are increasingly central to lead the global agenda and unite digital transformation with their green and blue recovery, collectively building forward better.  

Ocean sustainability was a 2022 cornerstone, as the UNDP launched the Ocean Promise as the oceans face a multi-dimensional crisis. Furthermore, the world accepted the need for a whole-of-ocean approach, safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystems within ongoing climate priorities. SIDS’ steadfast voices enabled substantive progress on fishery subsidies and curtailing plastic pollution. These emerging opportunities require the continued engagement with private sector and innovative finance mechanisms, like impact bonds, debt-swaps, and blended finance.

SIDS’ open embrace of digital transformation and data have proved vital in shaping new development opportunities, mitigating climate disasters, catalyzing the Blue Economy, and improving digital governance. SIDS have progressed towards equitable and inclusive data by integrating indigenous data sources into policymaking. SIDS’ greatest asset remains human capital and the continued empowerment of their dynamic and passionate youth, destined to inherit the oceans.

As the 2024 sunset of the SAMOA Pathway approaches, SIDS are well-positioned to prioritize action areas for their new development pathway to be adopted at the 4th International Conference on SIDS in 2024. This bulletin is an integrated source of information on SIDS to promote the work and innovations ongoing in SIDS, lessons learned in 2022, and important milestones of development. Happy Holidays to our entire Small Island Developing States family! 



Read the full bulletin here - https://mailchi.mp/undp/sids-bulletin-2022-in-review

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